Two Plum Press had our biannual reading/release party in late September.
The event featured the Vermont poet Gary Lindorff, who was celebrating the release of two titles on Two Plum Press. The first, The Blue Man, is a reissue of his book from 1982, with new author's preface. The second, The Last Recurrent Dream, is a brand new collection, illustrated by his son Evan Lindorff-Ellery. I became aware of Gary's work last December when Evan approached me at the Publication Fair, said he thought my press would be a good fit for his father. Later he gave me a copy of The Blue Man, the same day Gary wrote me an elegant e-mail, complete with a few excellent new poems. I knew then that this was project I wanted to work on. Over the next 6 months or so we put together the books. In August, when I visited friends in New England, I went to Gary's place in Vermont to meet him and take photos for the interior textures on the books.
It was also super exciting to have Kellen Hopfner and Rebekah Green in town for this reading–Two Plum Press authors who had not read here in Portland before, but whose books are top sellers/favorites. They both gave marvelous performances.
Favorite friend/author Ross Robbins wasn't able to make it at the last minute; we missed him dearly! We also heard a super fun "jazz" set from Michelle Overby, accompanied by a drummer, an exciting set of mostly new work from Elizabeth Ferguson, and had the debut of Piece Kennedy, whose first book of poems will come out sometime in 2016 on Two Plum Press.
It was an appropriately blustery evening. Thanks to Rebekah and her friend Robin, I was able to make a large quantity of cookies for the party. We made the chocolate rye cookies from Tartine Book n. 3, and made up some ancient grain popcorn chocolate chunk cookies, using flour from Lonesome Whistle Farm. Thanks to Noland Chaliha, we had shots of milk available with the cookies. We made cold brew from delicious Water Avenue Coffee, which also worked well with the cookies. My dear friend Russell Melia was in town with a loaf of bread he'd just made, which was exquisite, so we served it with butter and flaky salt. Lastly, a hibiscus brew, made with my own hibiscus blend and some Steven Smith meadow tea.